Other units on campus are doing their part to create a green campus. Find out how you can help.
Unplug Energy Conservation Competition
Join the competition and see which community can reduce the most energy consumption!
Competition between communities: March 9-30
Each spring, the Department of Residential Life Sustainability Committee hosts Unplug, a national competition to conserve energy on campus. Unplug is a three week commitment by LSU’s on-campus population to use less electricity, produce less waste, and be good stewards of this planet’s resources. This year’s Unplug Energy Competition will run March 9 through March 30, 2015. During this time, residence halls and apartments will compete to see who can save the highest percentage of electricity! The winning community will have an ice cream social hosted by the Department of Residential Life Sustainability Committee.
Tree Campus USA
The LSU Landscape Services Department has achieved Tree Campus USA designation for the past several years in a row by using a proactive, aggressive approach to planting trees around campus. Over 250 new trees have been planted just since 2013, and there are currently 5,000 mature trees of various species around campus, plus 1,200 mature live oak trees. Several hundred trees are pruned each year, and there is routine spraying and picking on crape myrtles and oaks, along with routine structural stabilization work (cabling, bracing and lightning protection).
UREC Programs
LSU UREC is committed to making intentional choices that positively impact our ability to become more sustainable. We believe it is important to continually assess our social, environmental, and economic impacts to ensure that we are making informed decisions, which account for short and long term sustainability. This is not a means to an end; it is a viewpoint through which all decisions are based.
UREC Sustainability
LSU Dining
The Balanced U Sustainability cycle begins with identifying our relationship with our food sources with Eat Green. By sourcing food and products locally or regionally from family farms and minority vendors and women owned businesses, LSU Dining is able to provide the freshest, highest quality foods and products that fiscally support the local community. As a responsible brand, LSU Dining also provides many food choices that are produced by means of higher ethical standards.
Our purchasing policies, food sourcing, environmentally friendly programs and facility operations are all connected under the Balanced U Sustainability cycle that addresses environmental impact and healthy living at every point in our patrons’ lives.
LaHouse Resource Center
A research-based showcase of solutions to shape your future with homes that offer
more comfort, durability, value, convenience, environmental quality, safety and better
health with
LESS energy, water, pollution, waste, damage and loss.