Edward Benoit, III, PhD

Image of Edward Benoit

Edward Benoit, III, PhD

Interim Director, School of Information Studies
Associate Professor

PhD: Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2014

Master's Degree(s): MLIS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2009; MA (History), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2009

Bachelor's Degree(s): BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2006

223B Peabody Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
O: (225) 578-3158
F: (225) 578-4581

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Edward Benoit, III is the Interim Director and Associate Professor in the School of Information Studies at Louisiana State University. He coordinates the archival studies and cultural heritage resource management programs. He received an MA in History, MLIS and PhD in Information Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His research focuses on participatory and community archives, non-traditional archival materials, climate change, and archival education. He is the founder and director of the Virtual Footlocker Project, which examines the personal archiving habits of the 21st century soldier in an effort to develop new digital capture and preservation technologies to support their needs. He also directs PROTECCT-GLAM, an IMLS-funded project focused on identify climate-change-related risks for GLAMs.

Dr. Benoit is also an affiliated faculty member in the LSU College of Art & Design's Doctor of Design in Cultural Preservation program.

Courses Taught

LIS 2000 Introduction to Information & Society

LIS 2003 Information and Internet Environments

LIS 7000 Information & Society

LIS 7008 Information Technologies and Systems

LIS 7009 Understanding Research

LIS 7408 Introduction to Archival Theory, Principles & Practice

LIS 7504 Preservation Management of Physical Records

LIS 7506 Preservation & Digitization of Audiovisual Materials

LIS 7702 Seminar in Advanced Archival Appraisal

LIS 7704 Archival Arrangement & Description 

Research Areas

Community Archives, Participatory Archives, Archival Pedagogy, Non-traditional Archival Materials, and Climate Change.

Selected Publications

Martell, Allan & Edward Benoit, III. "An Opportunity to Stay Connected: Documenting Personal Communication Records of Military Personnel." Archival Science, 24 (2023). 

Martell, Allan & Edward Benoit, III. “The Genre of Love Me Binders: U.S. Military Veterans Documenting their Service.” Archivaria, 95 (2023). 

Benoit, Edward, III, and Alexandra Eveleigh, eds. Participatory Archives: Theory & Practice (London: Facet Publishing, 2019).

Benoit, Edward, III and Donald C. Force. "One Size Does Not Fit All: Graduate Archival Education in the 21st Century." American Archivist 82, no. 1 (2019): 24-52.


Benoit, Edward, III. “#MPLP Part 1: Comparing Domain Expert and Novice Social Tags in a Minimally Processed Digital Archive.” American Archivist 80, no. 2 (2017): 145-176.

Selected Presentations

Buchanan, Sarah A., Erin Barsan, Edward Benoit III, Anthony Cocciolo, Aisha M. Johnson, Amanda Lima, Krystyna K. Matusiak, Alex Poole, Colin Post and Jane Zhang. “Inventing and Implementing Future-Ready Archival Education.” Association for Library and Information Science Education, Online, September 2021.

Martell, Allan, Edward Benoit, III, and Gillian Brownlee. “Love Me Binders: Personal Information Collections for the Modern Soldier.” Society of American Archivists Research Forum, Online, July 2021.

Benoit, Edward, III and Roxanne Guidry. “Dispatches from the Front: Findings from the Virtual Footlocker Project Phase 1.” Society of American Archivists, Austin, TX, August 2019.

Benoit, Edward, III. “Missing Tapes and Deleted Tweets: The Presidential Records Act & Democracy.” Presentation for the Presidential Symposium Behind the Ballot: Examining the Influences and Trends Driving Modern Elections at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 2018.

Benoit, Edward, III. “Moving Image Social Tagging: Professional vs. Amateur Production Comparison.” Presented at the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, July, 2017.

Selected Grants & Funded Projects

Benoit, Edward, III, Jill Trepanier, and Jennifer Vanos. “PROTECCT-GLAM: Risk of The Environment’s Changing Climate Threats for Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums.” Institute of Museum and Library Services, 2022. $458,963. Funded.

Benoit, Edward, III. "Virtual Footlocker Project: Developing a User-Centered Framework for Digital Preservation of Active Duty and Veteran Personal Records.” Institute of Museum and Library Services, 2018. $390,706. Funded.

Benoit, Edward, III. “Social Tagging of Amateur and Professionally Produced Moving Images.” Society of American Archivists Foundation. 2016, $2,400. Funded.

Benoit, Edward, III, Maccio, E.M., & Lacher-Feldman, J. (2015). “An International Perspective of LGBTQ Archives and Social Justice: Workshops & a Public Lecture with Dr. Rebecka Sheffield.” College of Human Sciences & Education Dean’s Internationalization Program. 2015, $1,404. Funded.

Benoit, Edward, III. “Virtual Footlocker Phase 1: Exploring the Personal Archiving and Recordkeeping Habits of the 21st Century Soldier.” College of Human Sciences & Education Peabody Society Dean’s Circle Grant. 2015, $2,000. Funded.

Selected Professional & Community Service

Louisiana Historical Records Advisory Board, Board Member, 2022-present.

Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture, Editorial Board Member 2019-present, Book Reviews Editor, 2019-2022.

Archival Education and Research Institute, Steering Committee Chair,  2022-present.

Graduate Archival Education Subcommittee, Society of American Archivists, Member, 2018-2019, Vice-Chair 2019-2020, Chair 2020-2021.

Steering Committee, Archival Educators Section, Society of American Archivists, Member, 2016-2018, Chair, 2018-2019.

Awards & Honors

LSU Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, Louisiana State University, 2024.

Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Human Sciences & Education, Louisiana State University, 2024.

Excellence in Teaching Award, Association of Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), 2023.

TAF Undergraduate Teaching Award, Louisiana State University, 2018.

Russell B. Long Professor, 2018-2020.

Distinguished Alumni Award, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2017.