The CAS Semester Toolkit will help you organize your time, engage in your classes, and get the most out of your studying. Tap into these tools to help you implement the CAS Study Cycle and excel in your courses all semester long!
OrganizePlan for success SemesterlyAt the start of the semester, check your course syllabi. Then, fill in your class organizer and semester calendar. Check Your SyllabusSyllabus Handout Class OrganizerClass Organizer (PDF) Semester CalendarSpring 2025 Semester Calendar (PDF) Final Exam Planner
Understand ConceptsFirst, build understanding of basic concepts to establish a good foundation for your learning. Review concepts:
Actively read course materials:
Active Reading Handout Identify problem areas and get help
Interact with the MaterialThen, interact with the material to deepen your knowledge and achieve higher levels of learning. Ask why, how, and what if questions while using active strategies:
Concept Mapping Handout Graphic Organizer Handout Active Study Strategies Handout Accessible Active Study Strategies Rework/Review areas that were unclear, including:
Check for MasteryFinally, Test your recall ability, depth of knowledge, and understanding without using resources. Create your own tests or use practice tests:
Simulate the testing environment:
Determine if you can teach the material. If not, figure out what areas you still need to work on. CAS Content Support ServicesSupplemental Instruction Tutoring |
CAS Course Study CyclesHow to study efficiently in your Biology 1201 course. How to study efficiently in your Math 1550 course. How to study efficiently in your Chemistry 1201 course. Study Cycle for Problem-Based Courses How to get the most out of in-class time and structure your out-of-class time for problem-based courses. Chemistry Resources by JoVELSU Libraries purchased two new products from the JoVE Science Education Video Collection. The purchase includes Chemistry and Core Biology content. Educators and students use the video collections to better teach and learn key concepts and fundamental techniques at the undergraduate course level. |