Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship 

Take Ownership of Your Future.

What does it mean to be an entrepreneur? At its core, entrepreneurship is a mindset. It’s about embracing uncertainty, overcoming challenges, creating value, and taking ownership of your success.

Through LSU’s Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, you will develop the knowledge and skills to pursue new opportunities and innovations in the startup, social, and corporate venture arenas. Our courses teach the ins and outs of operating, growing, and managing a business (entrepreneurship) and being creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial in an existing organization (intrapreneurship).

What You'll Learn

Learn how to generate new wealth and create social change that results in improved quality of life, greater morale, and economic freedom in your community.

Throughout this 120-hour program, learn how to operate, grow, and manage a business or drive change in an existing organization. Our courses build on the core business curriculum by focusing on business management, development, and funding strategies to increase students’ understanding of business practices and startups. Areas of study covered in the program include: 

  • Innovation & Creativity
  • Intrapreneurship
  • Business Law
  • Business Planning
  • Venture Capital
  • Entrepreneurship Management 
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Startups

ENTR 4010 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship (3-6)
ENTR 4020 Internship in Entrepreneurship (3-6)
ENTR 4030 Independent Study in Entrepreneurship (3-6)
ENTR 4035 Advanced Topics for Entrepreneurship (3-6)
ENTR 4100 Consul􀆟ng Field Project (3)
ENTR 4113 Small and Family Business Management (3)
ENTR 4114 Franchising Management (3)
ENTR 4120 Social Entrepreneurship (3)
ENTR 4300 Strategic Entrepreneurship (3)

Contact Professor Ed Watson, entrepreneurship advisor, for more information. 

Career Path

LSU entrepreneurship students launch startups, run family businesses, and innovate in existing organizations. With this degree, the possibilities are endless.

Career options include:

  • Business strategy consultant
  • Research and development
  • Business franchising
  • Entrepreneur
  • Proprietor
  • Venture capital
  • Nonprofit director
  • Operations manager
  • Family business


students use work stations in the Ideation Lab.

two students present on stage at venture challenge


Own the Opportunities 

BS Entrepreneurship students can take advantage of these unique offerings. 

  • Network with and be mentored by successful entrepreneurs and executives.
  • Gain the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to plan for a small business in ENTR 4040 Business Planning. 
  • Co-curricular activities: A broad selection of hands-on activities, including pitch and business plan competitions, provide students with experience outside the classroom.
  • Explore entrepreneurship ecosystems throughout Louisiana.
Group of students in purple caps stand outside Vivid Ink in Baton Rouge, this was part of the December 2023 LEEPS trip.

Louisiana Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Program of Study 

Through the Louisiana Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Program of Study (LEEPS), our state becomes a learning laboratory for entrepreneurship majors. During the five-to-eight day program, students visit companies, non-profits, business accelerators, and other entities that support Louisiana's rich entrepreneurial ecosystem. Through the experience, which takes students to all corners of the state, they learn from experts, expand their networks, and gain an appreciation for entrepreneurship's power to catalyze economic development in a community. 

Contact to learn more.


"The entrepreneurship program gave me opportunities to develop ideation skills, build relationships, and explore options that prepared me to launch my business out of college. My company, Carpe Momentum, helps individuals and brands share their stories through digital content creation. The time is now—seize your moment!"
Daniel Ellender, ’19

Daniel Ellender presents during Start Up Weekend.


Contact Us

SDEIS Main Office

2200 Business Education Complex

Edward Watson

Entrepreneurship Undergraduate Advisor 
2200A Business Education Complex 

Office of Business Student Success

2000 Business Education Complex